Fresh and Close to Home
 The Village Gravy

The Basics


I am a researcher in artificial intelligence. To relax, I cook. The Air Force invested more than 20 years developing my communication skills, and now I would like to use these skills to highlight the good stuff of my village.


Clockwise from

top left

  1. 1.Author with Son Lian

  2. 2.Peach Pie

  3. 3.Baked Chicken

  4. 4.Outside the Local Deli with a very young Zan

I grew up among corn fields and dairy farms in upstate New York and draw from my experiences cooking as a young teen, a single person, and now a wife and mother. I began preparing meals for my family at the tender age of ten. My mother's kitchen bible was the Betty Crocker Cookbook, the Moosewood is mine. 

My siblings are exceptional cooks. My sisters run a deli called the Firebrand in Gunnison CO and have owned it for 15+ years. I hope to relay their experiences as well as my own triumphs and failures.

I see this blog as a conversation.  Join in and share your discoveries.

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